You have probably already heard of Revocable Living Trusts in The Woodlands before. They are quite popular. Even though they’re a useful, simple and cost effective way to plan your estate, you need to learn more about them, because they are not a silver bullet for all problems. How To Create a Living Trust in… Continue reading The Basics of Living Trusts for Estate Plans in The Woodlands
What a Living Will Does For You in The Woodlands
What Is a Living Will? In The Woodlands, Texas a “living will” is actually a “Directive to Physicians.” While other documents deal with your property, this one has the most direct impact on you so it is kind of important. This is where you document your wishes regarding life support and other end of life… Continue reading What a Living Will Does For You in The Woodlands
The Conroe Probate Court Estate Filing Fee
Every estate begins with the court fees. The Conroe county clerk won’t even take your papers unless you pay the estate filing fee. So before you get started with a probate attorney in The Woodlands you will need to budget for the court fee. In addition to the expenses below, you will also need enough for… Continue reading The Conroe Probate Court Estate Filing Fee